
Shop Redcon1 @ Xtra Protein Singapore
Today’s supplement landscape has become somewhat of a wasteland. One that filled with flailing giants of the past still trying to hold on, as well as small, bathtub brands just out to make a quick buck.
This situation leaves the consumer with less than efficacious products and less than desirable results. Enter REDCON1.
Founded by supplement industry entrepreneur Aaron Singerman, REDCON1 created to ensure end consumers get real, hardcore products that deliver excellent results.
Our motto isn’t THE HIGHEST STATE OF READINESS to be some catchy tagline; it is the mantra that we live and breathe.
From the highest calibre bodybuilder to the most gruelling obstacle course, all the way to elite military forces, how your body performs is paramount to your success and survival.
Achieving your greatness is a forging process, one that requires you are always ready for the highest state of readiness, choose REDCON1.
Xtra Protein caries the best Redcon1 selection in Singapore including Total War, MOAB, Ration, MRE, Isptope, Green Beret, Cluster Bomb, Halo, Boom Stick,  11 Bravo, Tango, Grunt, Double Tap, Silencer, RPG, Waterboard, MRE Bar, Fade Out, GI Juice, Foxtrot, Breach, Med+Kit, Big Noise, Mental Trigger, Total War RTD plus many more.

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